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Psilocybe Magic Mushrooms

psilocybin mushrooms for sale Oregon, Psilocybin mushrooms are fungi that naturally contain the hallucinogenic substance psilocybin. There are more than 180 different types of psilocybin-containing mushrooms that can produce psychedelic and hallucinatory effects when consumed. Body processes turn psilocybin into psilocin, which is the substance that actually causes the psychedelic effects. Baeocystin and noncrystalline are two other compounds that are frequently present in trace amounts, while it is unknown how much they contribute to the total effects.
The commonest and most ubiquitous species found in Europe is certainly the little and potent liberty cap mushroom (Psilocybe semilanceata).

How Does Psilocybin Help People With Mental & Behavioral Health Disorders?

psilocybin mushrooms for sale Oregon

Thus, psilocybin has a huge potential to aid those who struggle with issues like addiction, despair, and anxiety.

According to Michael McGee, MD, staff psychiatrist at Atascadero State Hospital in California and author of The Joy of Recovery, it is still unknown exactly what psilocybin does to the brain to cause changes in mood and behavior. . He says that the cerebral cortex, the outermost layer of the brain that is important for higher-order activities including perception, cognition, memory, and judgment, contains about 90 to 100 billion neurons, and that programming begins in mid- to late childhood. The number of potential connections would likely be bigger if all of those neurons could communicate with one another.

atoms in the cosmos,” claims Dr. McGee.

However, the brain cannot work that way since it needs to be effective in order to survive. According to Dr. McGee, this results in a pruning process where our perceptions of how we interpret ourselves in the world become more limited and ego-consciousness grows. Psilocybin can help in this situation by essentially reopening the dirt roads and increasing traffic on them.

“Psilocybin and other psychedelics that are agonists or stimulators of the serotonin HT2A receptor

dHaving psychedelic experiences seems to have a significant impact on the feeling of “stuckness.” They appear to provide mental flexibility and clarity that let people break out of their routines.

How can psilocybin help with addiction and depression?

Researchers believe that the medication increases people’s sense of openness, which facilitates the process of changing behavior.

The post Magic Mushrooms appeared first on Magic Mushroom Store USA.

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